We always seek to materialize the best business opportunities/alternatives for our clients without being hindered by real or imagined barriers, and this unique position is the catalyst for our success.
As value focused advisors, we seek to identify outstanding businesses that are trading at a material discount to assessed valuation.


Our professionals have an in-depth understanding of the unique needs of middle market and premier growing companies during transactions.We are finance professionals with extensive backgrounds at major international financial centres, and with significant operating, direct investment and strategic consulting experience.


At Rylands & Hamilton, each transaction is headed and executed by at least two senior advisors. Our clients have full access to the entire deal team throughout the transaction.


With an extensive network of strategic and financial sponsors in all key sectors, we can provide the highest value for clients and maximize returns to all stakeholders.
We are a solid market player with the human capital and agility to provide flexible and custom-made financial solutions nimbly. And finally, we have made a steadfast commitment to create opportunities for our clients, and deliver on it.